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Write a C Program to Swap Numbers Using Temporary Variable?

Write a C Program to Swap Numbers Using Temporary Variable?

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


double firstNumber, secondNumber, temporaryVariable;

printf("Enter first number: ");

scanf("%lf", &firstNumber);

printf("Enter second number: ");


// Value of firstNumber is assigned to temporaryVariable

temporaryVariable = firstNumber;

// Value of secondNumber is assigned to firstNumber

firstNumber = secondNumber;

/* Value of temporaryVariable (which contains the initial value of firstNumber) is assigned to secondNumber */

secondNumber = temporaryVariable;

printf("\nAfter swapping, firstNumber = %.2lf\n", firstNumber);

printf("After swapping, secondNumber = %.2lf", secondNumber);

return 0;



Enter first number: 1.20

Enter second number: 2.45

After swapping, firstNumber = 2.45

After swapping, secondNumber = 1.20


In the above program, the temporaryVariable is assigned the value of firstNumber. Then, the value of firstNumber is assigned to secondNumber. Finally, the temporaryVariable (which holds the initial value of firstNumber) is assigned to secondNumber which completes the swapping process.

Here, temporaryVariable is used to hold the value of firstNumber and doesn't have any other use except that. You can also write the swapping program without using temporaryVariable.

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