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Techniques to Attempt Most Probable Questions in an Interview

The very word interview tends to trigger off a stressful response in the majority of people. The good news is, we need not do that If we know ourselves well and keep. Our cool, an interview is no different than a conversation with a prefixed purpose an interviewer generally employs a wide variety of question to examine a candidate from various aspects and then determine her/his suitability for the position.

The use of behavioural and /or suitable questions and tests is becoming increasingly common - a more holistic approach ¡s Underway. Hence, in order to be Completely prepared, we must acquaint ourselves with tile plethora of questions and practice answering the same beforehand Preparation builds confidence and confidence promises better performance. Let us not forget that interviewers arc also human beings and once in a while you may encounter one who says/does something which may raise your blood pressure in such situations, instead of immediately responding as our urge may be, it is wise to pause, take a breath, and think calmly before you answer

One of the most commonly Utilized techniques to handle the traditional interview questions is the PAWS method PAWS stands for Profile, Academic, Work, and Skills You may include all or as many of these four, irrespective of order, to maximize your suitable responses for the position Also bear in mind that for any response, limit your answer to no more than ninety seconds

Following are some examples of what each of the four entails:

Profile: This involves developing points, On how became interested in the position, what is it about the work which excites you, what value can bring, the talent and skills you through any

previous experiences — Volunteer work, co-curricular, hobbies, memberships, projects, etc What makes you, YOU

Academic: Mention your educational background (degrees/diplomas/certification) and any other training and professional development activities/courses that you undertook, which are related to the opening, directly or indirectly.

Work: highlight all the paid or unpaid experience related to the job In cases where it is not directly related, ¡t is your onus to highlight how the skills which you picked up from it can help you perform better on the position you’ve applied for.

Skills: Apart from the indisputably relevant skills that you do have for the profile, be clear on the pertinent, transferable skills so that you can express it appropriately

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