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Short Trick for Multiplication with 5, 25, 125, 625, 1325, 6625, 33125,...

Tricks to Multiply any number by 5.

Let us understand how it works by multiplying 67456 X 5

Step 1: Join one 0(zero) at the end the number


Step 2: Divide the number obtained in step 1 by 2.

674560 ÷ 2

= 337280 (Answer)

Tricks to Multiply any number by 25.

Let us understand how it works by multiplying 67456 X 25

Step 1: Join one 0(zero) at the end the number


Step 2: Divide the number obtained in step 1 by 2.

674560 ÷ 2

= 337280

Repeat the steps again as 25 is 5 X 5.

Step 3: Join one 0(zero) at the end the number


Step 4: Divide the number obtained in step 3 by 2.

3372800 ÷ 2

= 1686400 (Answer)

This method can used to Multiply any number with power of 5 i.e. 5, 25, 125, 625……

As the power increases the first 2 steps gets repeated as many times.

Tricks to Multiply any number by 125.

Let us understand how it works by multiplying 67456 X 125

The first 4 steps as used for multiplication with 25 remains same and as 25 X 5 = 125, so 2 more steps increase

Step 5: Join one 0(zero) at the end the number


Step 6: Divide the number obtained in step 5 by 2.

16864000 ÷ 2

= 8432000 (Answer)

If it has to be multiplied with 625, 2 more steps have to be repeated and it goes on.

This method is time efficient for multiplication with power of 5.
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