Managing Successful Interview Tips from Arrival till the End
If there is one thing which is as important as the interview is the preparation for it. The key to successful interviewing is to know three things: you, the position/role and the organization. Let us have a look at how to go about this crucial preparation.
In the case of off-campus recruitment, it is required to find out about the venue beforehand, directions to get to the place and the estimated time to reach.

Try and arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the interview, so that you can relax and feel comfortable with the surroundings. From the moment you drive into the parking lot or enter the reception or interview area, remember that you are being observed and your impression making is underway. Freshen up in the washroom to ensure that you look your best.
Relax as you wait and try to visualize a successful interview while breathing rhythmically to keep your nerves calm. Go over the notes you have made and collect your thoughts in an organized manner.
Treat every individual you encounter with respect and professionalism-you never know who will be in the interview room with you or who will be consulted regarding hiring decisions.
First Impression
First impressions do matter. It includes everything, right from your attire to how you walk up to the interview table and of course, the first couple of minutes of the interview. Also, refer to appropriate attire and body language, respectively, to manage your first impression.
Adjust any online profile like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, etc. It should sport a professional look or simply be restricted from public access. In case an individual holds a LinkedIn profile then she/he must update it. A lot of students/trainees maintain a profile from the time of college and use the platform to voice opinions in related groups. LinkedIn is an excellent platform to gain company knowledge and be up-to-date with what is happening in the industry.
Be Thorough with Your Resume
Your work on the resume does not end after you have finished working on it. You should know your resume inside and out and be prepared to talk in-depth about your experiences and provide concrete examples of your skills to substantiate the claims you've made in the document. Do not forget many questions asked in the interview refer to or arise from the information in your resume. It also acts as a support for cross-verifying your answers during the interview.
Rapport Building
The way we behave: The people with a warm, confident, enthusiastic and committed attitude often make a positive impact on the other person in front of the interviewer. Utilize the interview to interact: Ideally, this refers to a strategic conversation. Visualize it as an exciting opportunity to learn more and sharpen conversational skills. Be responsive and make the conversation dynamic, initiate dialogue within your zone of comfort (areas in which you have command).

The way by which a skilled interviewer gets the candidates to start talking, you too can elicit information on the organization's requirements and philosophy and then tailor your responses accordingly. Be alert, listen and watch attentively in order to use to your advantage the information that he/she voluntarily shares. Ensure that you keep reinforcing your interest in the organization and enthusiasm for the work profile being offered. Do not make it repetitive, cliched, or too blatant - subtlety is the key!
Leaving the Interview Room
Once the interview concludes, start with expressing your thanks to the interviewer/s for their time, consideration, etc. Do not let your energy drop and prevent you from listening closely to the closing lines as it discloses the planned follow-up or simply the next stage in the hiring process. In case that is not revealed, feel free to ask. Before leaving the room, reaffirm your interest and keenness in the organization/profile and exit unhurriedly and with grace; collect your belongings, if any, maintain a confident gait and gently close the door after you leave.
Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst.
The interviewer will give signals when the interview is about to conclude. Stay alert and mould your answers accordingly lest you miss the chance to make an important point.